Understanding Society

Language Center Registration

CourseTSB TOEFL ReMa (€50)
Course codeTSB-TOEFL
RemarkVul in het tekstvak hieronder in welke bachelor je volgt.
You are registering asstudent Tilburg University
  • If you want to pay for a language course with your language vouchers, you have to register for the course via OSIRIS.
  • Read this information if you want to register for an intensive Dutch as a Second Language course.
  • If you do not have enough vouchers left, you cannot register via OSIRIS . You must go to the Student Desk (linken naar https://www.tilburguniversity.edu/nl/studenten/student-desk/) to register for the course.
  • If you do not have any vouchers left, you have to register by using this form.

Data must be entered as shown in passport.

You will pay with iDeal or credit card